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In line with Statutory Guidance we have developed a new Provider Access policy to meet the new statutory guidelines (PAL), Our full policy can be found on the policies page under ‘Careers Provider Access  Statement’ (

Opportunities for Providers to support our programme

Below is a detailed table of events the school runs to allow pupils access to providers and employers – some event dates may be changed throughout the school year to meet the needs and aspirations of the cohort and school.

YEAR 7 & 8 College Workshop with Employability skills theme

Careers & Aspirations Fair – with local employers, colleges, training providers

Careers themed lessons around LMI information.

Employer Visit / Workshop

College Workshop with Employability skills theme

Apprenticeship Workshop as part of National Apprenticeships Week

National Careers Week Activities

Careers themed lessons around LMI information.

Employer Visit / Workshop

Careers themed lessons around LMI information.

College Workshop with Employability skills theme

Employer Visit / Workshop

YEAR 9 Careers & Aspirations themed Assemblies.

Careers Linked lesson & workshops

National Apprenticeship Week – Activities.

National Careers Week Activities / Workshops including employers & colleges workshops / trips and visits

Careers & Aspirations themed Assemblies.

Careers Linked lesson & workshops

No encounters –encounters must have taken place by 28 February

Options choices

YEAR 10 Post 16 – Training Providers / FE & HE aspiration Assemblies weekly with Q&A post session.

Careers & Aspirations Fair

National Apprenticeship Week – ASK Apprenticeship Mock interviews / assessment workshop.

National Careers Week Activities / Workshops including employers & colleges workshops / trips and visits

College & Training Provider Taster Session / trips & visits

Post 16 – Training Providers / FE & HE aspiration Assemblies weekly with Q&A post session.

Post 16 – Training Providers / FE & HE aspiration Assemblies weekly with Q&A post session.

Work Experience preparation session

Work Experience in Summer Term 2

YEAR 11 Post 16 – Training Providers / FE & HE aspiration Assemblies weekly with Q&A post session.

Careers & Aspirations Fair

IAG applications / Advisor Interviews

Work Experience (individualised)

College & Training Provider Visits & Trips

National Apprenticeship Week – ASK Apprenticeship Mock interviews / assessment workshop.

National Careers Week Activities / Workshops including employers & colleges workshops / trips and visits

IAG applications / Advisor Interviews

Work Experience (individualised)

College & Training Provider Visits & Trips


No encounters –encounters must have taken place by 28 February

Confirmation of post-16 education and training destinations for all pupils

IAG applications / Advisor Interviews – NEET support


How to contact the school:

If any providers want to contact the school, please contact:

Ross Doohan – Careers Lead
Phone: 01254 261655

Enquiries & complaints can also be directed to

“The culture and ethos of the school encourages a caring and supportive environment in which learning and good behaviour can flourish.”


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